New Wealth Advisors Club

The Ripple Effect Part 2 – Episode 22

Flipping Off Podcast
Flipping Off Podcast
The Ripple Effect Part 2 - Episode 22

Podcast Transcription

Melina: Welcome to “Flippin’ Off” A purpose driven podcast about flipping houses and making a difference.

Oscar: Hey, guys. So, here we are. We’re knocking out this podcast. Tim and Oscar kind of take care of things, the part that Dave and Melina don’t really know.

Tim: Right.

Oscar: At least not until they hear this, right, is that we kind of hijacked the podcast. They’re taking a little bit of time off. Well deserved. And so Tim had this idea of what would it look like to bring some folks in.

Tim: Right, yeah. I just wanted to take the opportunity, first of all, to take something off of Dave and Melina’s plate because they’re…should I share with them where they’re at?

Oscar: Sure.

Tim: So, yeah. Dave and Melina they’re in Jerusalem. They went to Israel for a vacation. Melina has been wanting to do that for a long time, so Dave took her. And we have a lot of things scheduled for when they get back, and as a business owner, I know what it takes to…like I know how it is to shut down just for the weekend, let alone for 10 straight days.

So, we wanted to take something off of their plate. And we also wanted to give an opportunity for some club members to step up and really just kinda give us some insight about what is it that they take from the club, right? What are the things that really impact them inside of the club? So, I don’t even know how many people we have coming in today. There’s probably about 8, 10, something like that?

Oscar: Yeah, we’ve got quite a few coming in. So, what we did is we were posing three questions, right?

Tim: Right.

Oscar: They’re not gonna answer them…my expectation is that they’re gonna answer them specifically. But you’ll get to hear a little bit about their background and what they’re doing, and the questions really was why did they join the club? What prompted them to even consider joining the club? Then the other was, “Since you joined, who or what has really just had the greatest amount of impact or effect in your life, in your business, what have you?” Right?

And then the last one that we asked is, “Knowing what you know today about the club and your involvement at the club, what does that look like for other people? What would you share for other people so that they get a glimpse into the super cool place that they hang out at?” So, that’s kind of the framework for this conversation with folks. And I think it was a great idea, Tim. Appreciate you kinda dialing it in and reeling me into it and becoming partners in crime and getting this thing done…

Tim: Well, I didn’t wanna be the only one hijacking the podcast, just in case Dave gets mad.

Oscar: Got it. So you got…

Tim: It’s his fault.

Oscar: Yeah, you have a guilty party. All right, cool. So, yeah. No problem, man.

Tim: He gave the go ahead, Dave.

Oscar: Even though John’s not in here right now, he’s guilty, too. So, I’m not going down alone. That’s just the way it works. If anybody else steps in line, they’re taking blame, too.

Tim: Right. So, with that, we’re gonna go ahead and open the door. Everybody is right outside this door here. And we’re gonna go ahead and bring some people in, and let them share with you their experience so far, and let you know really what can you expect. Talk to you in a few.

Oscar: Awesome. Let’s get it started.

John: Hi, this is John Slater.

Luis: Hey, this is Luis Medina.

John: Good morning. I’m just gonna talk very quickly about myself. And I’ve been in the club now for about four years. My wife and I, we joined the club when we were at a stage in our life where we just wanted something different. And even though we’ve been there for four years now, the journey wasn’t necessarily all great. I had a coach. I had a mentor but there was one person really that really stuck out for me as to somebody that helped me in my journey.

And we’d been at the club for about a year and we were in a not a great place. And I happened to be driving to San Diego with Tim Wilkinson. And it was a conversation because Celine and I we were contemplating quitting. It had been 12 months in the business and we’d had some successes but not financial successes, and it started to really kind of take its toll on us.

And having had a great conversation with Tim. Tim just shared with me his own story and why was I any different. If you wanna see the rewards of these great opportunities, you become a full-time investor, you’ve gotta be prepared to, kind of, roll with the bad stuff, go through the bad times. And eventually, by sticking with it, you can get to where you wanna be.

So, for me, Tim was a massive part of why Celine and I didn’t quit. And who would have known that three months later we found two or three more deals, we got one closed, we made some money and now the rest is history. So, going up four year anniversary this summer and looking forward to continue with New Wealth Advisors Club and what it can bring as an opportunity for our future.

Luis: Being at the club has just been an immense change in my growth as an individual, as a man, as a father, as a professional. And to tell you the truth, I mean, I had my struggles at the beginning just taking the steps into beginning this business which is not…it’s not what I thought it was at the beginning. I had a different perspective of real estate investment. And just coming around the club just completely shifted my mindset, my growth, and spreading that around my loved ones, my friends, my family. And now, I mean, I felt so good and so positive about that path where I’m at that I brought my wife into the club one and a half year later.

I brought her in because I knew that it was a great place for her to be part of and grow with me. Grow with me in the business, grow with me as an individual. We’ve managed to outgrow differences that we had before getting into this environment of like-minded individuals, and now we know each other as…other than business partners, we know each other as individuals.

I know more of her interests. She knows more of my interest. And that’s because with the mentors and the coaches that I’ve aligned myself with have expressed and shown me a lot of that. A lot of that growth has come from just the energy in the club, and it’s been a great place to me. So, I can completely relate to what you said, John.

John: And just to finish with that, I think we’re both real estate investors now. We’ve been doing this business for a number of years. And if there’s one thing that I could share, it is that the club is so much more than just real estate. For Tim to have that conversation with me, acting as a real personal life coach. Not just a real estate coach, but somebody who could just give me advice in my life knowing where I was at based on his personal experiences.

So, being able to be a coach myself now, being able to help others, being able to pass something forward to the next new investor that’s coming in is really, for me, thanks to the coaching and the mentoring of the coaches that have been at the club for some time.

Luis: Yeah. No, totally right there. You hit it right on the nail. For my perspective is that growth and being able to share that growth with new people that are interested in real estate, it’s just amazing. I grow as you grow in it and it’s just an incredible spot to be in, beyond real estate by all means.

Adam: Hi, there I’m Adam Island.

Jeff: I’m Jeff Raffensperger.

Adam: Jeff, I actually met you when I first came into the club and you really had a bearing on me joining, and I know you don’t know that. It’s quite funny.

Jeff: I really don’t know. No.

Adam: But I came across the club via Josh when I was looking on Craigslist. I was actually looking for investors to joint venture with and to work with. And anyway I came across Josh and we had a big lengthy discussion and it’s been a wonderful ride since November. I only been with the club for such a short time, and then I met people like Tim, Oscar, Jeff, Josh and saw the integrity of them and certainly the club. And then I was introduced to Dave and Melina who were just icing on the cake for me.

Jeff: Yeah, I can relate to that. I was looking for something. I was doing some investing. I had some deals going before I joined the club. But I was missing something and I’d seen the ad on Craigslist. It was Christian Rios I reached out to. What I wanted was not something where I go and I have to be entertained by buying some more here, some more there, mentoring and stuff. I just wanted a club of like-minded people that were doing the same thing, so we could bounce ideas off of, get some coaching, get people that were in the area because I’m new to the area.

So, it was pretty interesting because I was talking to Christian about it before doing emails back and forth, and he said, “Just come to the club and see what we got.” And I did and I was very impressed about what I’ve seen. Melina walked up first and introduced herself and asked what I did and I told her I was a real estate investor at that point, my career has been going for about a year and a half at that point. And she was just a light, she was just a big, bright light. I think it’s gonna work out.

And since joining the club, I can tell you that it is everything that I wanted and 10 times more. We just have a great group of like-minded people who just wanna help, and just want to help you in your business, help you succeed and getting that mindset straight was probably the biggest issue, and both Dave and Melina helped me out incredibly with that.

I remember one of the meetings at Dave and Melina’s house was Dave was talking to me…I was talking to Dave about just some hobbies that type of stuff. Just telling him, how busy I’m on the weekends and I didn’t have a whole lot to do with real estate he says, “That wouldn’t work for me because that’s when I do the most.”

And it just fired me up, I was like okay. Right then and there was when my business turned around. That’s when it took off. And Melina just helping me so much with getting my mindset straight, getting all my initiatives straightened out, and commitment and here I am. I have found a home. I found a family.

Adam: It’s interesting listening to what you said there, Jeff. I came into the club looking for one thing and came out with…well, I have come out with something completely different. I don’t know if you call it serendipity or whatever the word is. But I was looking for investors, I was looking for people I could joint venture with, I was looking for people I could trust and flip houses, and do all these stuff I was doing back in Australia with.

What I’ve come out with is an amazing amount of education, information, friendships in such a short period of time, and the community in here is just nuts. And, Tim, I can look at you and I know what I get from you is the truth. I get absolute honesty from Oscar. Dave and Melina, what you see is what you get. It’s about commitment, it’s about friendship, and they just wear their hearts on their sleeve. This club is an extension of Dave and Melina. I’m just absolutely honored to be here today for one thing, but also I wanted to be part of an amazing club. If this was in Australia, I’ll be all over it, crazy.

Jeff: Absolutely, anywhere.

Adam: If there was something that I could give to others when they come into a club like this or when they’re out exploring I think the idea that people have this SOS mentality and I call it shiny object syndrome, SOS, they come into a club and they’re looking for something but they have their eyes closed, they have their ears closed. They just need to sit down release everything that they currently know and have experienced before in any other business or property and just absorb everyone’s energy and experience. Just forget everything else, just absorb it all.

Jeff: Yeah, they may have something that gives them power and then clear your head and it’ll be filled with great stuff.

Christian: Hi, this is Christian Rios and I have my beautiful wife Dany here with me. And I just wanted to share a bit of my journey, and kind of the transformation of how the club has shifted my life in a huge way, not just financially speaking, but more along the lines of my family life. Since I joined the club, I was 17 when I got involved, whoever doesn’t know my story I’d be more than happy to share in person.

But I wanted to be a real estate investor. I came down to the club, and Dave and Melina really took me under their wing and all the mentorship, and the guidance of all the club members like Oscar Solaris, John Slater and a lot of the senior investors inside the club that really helped me throughout my journey, and it’s been an amazing ride.

I was in the position where I was blessed to be able to purchase my own property, and my wife is able to stay at home, she takes care of our two kids. And I think for anyone that’s gonna be looking to get involved with us, the biggest thing is the flexibility that this business provides, obviously, we do work really hard, but there’s nothing like, at least for me being able to work from home. And being able to know that you know my wife and kids are downstairs and I can go visit, go play with them any time of the day. So, I’m not sure if you have anything to add to that Dany.

Dany: For me, it’s more of, I’m more of the outsider looking in because I have nothing to be a part of the club. Like, I’m not into the real estate with everybody, but I see the growth that Christian gets from being in the club. We’ve been together since we were 15. So, him being 17 joining the club, he’s matured. I think maybe because he’s the youngest in the club which I’d like to think is why he’s growing up so much faster than me at least in maturity level. But he’s also learning and just maturing in such a way that people our age you don’t see very often. And people look at him and wow he sounds so smart and so grown up and he’s only 23. Yeah.

It’s because of who he’s surrounded with and how much he learns from all of you guys, and it’s a blessing in its own that he works from home. Us having two little kids three in six months that he is always home. Daddy comes down when he has a break, and he gets to play and he’s never gone for eight hours, gone from home. And it’s a blessing that he’s always around. He gets to see the first of everything and I absolutely love the business that he’s in because I get to see him all the time, instead of just when we go home, just when he comes home from work. It’s never that situation. So, I am so thankful for the club as far as being in Christian’s life and a part of mine, a big part of mine now.

Jason: Hello everybody this is Jason Ortiz and my beautiful wife, Brianna Ortiz. And…

Brianna: Hi.

Jason: Well, first off I’d just like to be thankful to be able to be here. I think I’m a little nervous, but I think I’m ready as far as what the club has done for me, has given me an opportunity to grow. Grow in and a lot of different ways I wasn’t even sure I was ready for. I mean, conversations that come from a construction background and that by far you don’t have to have conversations you just point and shoot.

You get things done with your hands. So, to be here and doing a podcast and sharing my journey, and I can say that I’m truly competent right now just to be able to throw that in front of people that it hasn’t been easy. But when I’m faced with an opportunity to be around like-minded individuals, I’ve always wanted to be around powerful people and strong-willed. But I didn’t grow up that way, and the club for me, it’s given me an opportunity to really grow with my wife. Our conversations they’re business mindset and…

Brianna: For sure, we talk a lot of business.

Jason: A lot of business, but I think our love gets in depth to though. Like, we have an opportunity to say how do you feel in our heart. Before when we were kids we… because we’ve known each other how long?

Briana: Eighteen years.

Jason: Eighteen years.

Tim: You guys are like 22 or something.

Brianna: Yeah, well we’ve known each other 18 years.

Jason: Thirty three now.

Brianna: Just married a couple of years.

Jason: Four years almost.

Brianna: Two kids.

Jason: Two kids.

Brianna: Yeah, it definitely can get challenging because we’re both in the club and just doing this full-time. So, sometimes we have to put aside our business, and be just me and you. But being part of a community and like a club like this it’s turned into family. All the people that we are around and partner with and mentor with and do this. My arm he’s telling me…but, yeah, I mean this club it’s actually blessed our family for sure.

Jason: There’s been different journeys inside of us. I mean, I’ve been a part of this club six years, my wife five. So, just becoming an investor and having the mindset of a business owner was a journey in itself, and to write the of Frank and Kevin and yourself and Dave and Melina just to get to that first deal it was a struggle. But six years later having the credibility of deals, it doesn’t do enough justice to what we’ve been able to come across, to come through. Like I said, there’s different journeys in every part of this business for us and right now I feel like we haven’t even scratched the surface because we’re not limited.

Daniel: Hello, my name is Daniel Berquist. I’m with my wife Monique Berquist.

Monique: Yes.

Daniel: So, I know that our journey has been pretty crazy. We just talked about it earlier, just about the different things why we joined and the different things that have impacted us. And I don’t know if you wanna start, babe, but…

Monique: Go for it, babe.

Daniel: All right, so I know that one of the things that we were really looking for was to start a business. I had read a book and was that title in Escrow. So, being in corporate sort of… I remember you Oscar being in corporate it’s just different. Once I lost my job I realized I was just a number. So, it was just this weird thing that I was trying to figure out. But at the same time when I lost my job I was like, all right, I’m on the path to be able to start something new something that I’ve never ventured out into.

But having my wife with me and I know that she’s that type of go-getter, so it was a good…you guys were talking about power couples earlier and it just made me think of having that partner, that best friend, that perfect match. I know that the Lord brought her into my life for a huge reason not even knowing even from here on. But I know that we were looking into doing something that was to serve people. We wanted to be able to help our friends out financially or something to do with that. But then coming to the club and seeing how we can help homeowners it was this crazy dynamic.

And I remember the person I talked to and they are like, “Hey, it’s almost like a ministry in itself, that you can come in,” and rather than…like others have said, it’s like hey this is not really…it’s working but not really working because you’re doing so much more, so much deeper. And that’s pretty much what we’re talking about earlier about that, right, babe?

Monique: Exactly, yes. The biggest thing for us was that we wanted to look for something where you can actually help people, that has always been our focus. And like Daniel was saying we originally wanted to get into something where you can help people with their finances because we were doing Dave Ramsey. And we’re like, “How are we gonna be able to help people if they’re struggling with their debt in itself?” So, we’re like, “No, that doesn’t work.”

Daniel: It’s not a good business.

Monique: So, that’s when we got into this and we’ve been just blessed over and over with just the different homeowner stories of serving people first. And how Dave and Melina push that at the end of the day if it doesn’t serve the homeowner first, then they’re not gonna do it, and it really resonated with who we are as a couple.

Daniel: Yeah, and moving forward with that, it was just taking action and doing our best to be the perfect student was something that we were really set on. But for me, it was this…I guess it was a really huge struggle for me because I didn’t come from a business mindset. I had great parents. They raised me well. They didn’t let me go without. And so being able to wanna do that but in a different setting, it’s changed somewhat some of our families lineage is get a job.

A lot of people on my side is firefighters, paramedics, something in the medical field, and so being able to change that and move forward from there was just, hey, I wanna try something new something that I had started wanting to do. And so we didn’t realize because we were what, two years married, three years married?

Monique: Yup.

Daniel: So, it was something that when getting married, I was right away a husband, right away a father. We have two amazing boys they keep us on our toes.

Monique: Sure do.

Daniel: They’re 11 and 14, so, now having the teenage years it’s going forward it’s just like, man, it’s crazy. So, all those changes and me figuring out how to be a dad, and my wife trying to figure out, hey, how can I help this guy become a dad? I know that that’s something that really having Dave and Melina, I mean, we heard their story that weekend and knowing that they had… Dave was a stepdad and then being able to learn from him, yeah, and he went through struggles when he was younger. I didn’t go on any struggles but this is my time now that I can start to grow, learn that grit. Grit is something that keeps on coming up and actually heard it this morning at church.

But I think that that was something that for sure Dave and Melina and then, of course, like Frank and Kathy, right? I know that they’ve been able to help us even in taking us under their wing. And so, it’s been a crazy journey. But it’s really the relationships that we’ve been able to build and form from the people who are a little older than us, a little bit wiser, and have been able to learn from them.

Oscar: Yeah, one of the things that seems to be a theme in these conversations as the non-real estate related growth that people go through. Obviously, we’re in this business for real estate. We make a decent living off of real estate but none of that would be possible without, what you guys are talking about right now, that growth, being able to become the people you need to be to do the things you need to do. It’s pretty amazing for me to see that growth happen. And then once that all aligns and it comes together for everybody, it’s like magic. Things just start clicking and things start happening. And now the homeowner conversations become better.

Monique: Exactly.

Oscar: And I know Monique you’re pretty awesome talking to people and having those conversations, and I know your background has always been of service as a nurse.

Monique: Yes, thank you.

Oscar: Right? So, that’s your heart that’s where you’re at, so those conversations are really powerful.

Monique: For sure, for sure. To touch on exactly what you’re saying, the biggest thing for me, one thing I would wanna share with people who are looking into getting into this, the unwavering support that you have at the club is something that you can’t even describe. They support you through, walking you through your own, as Melina says your “kaka.” They walk you through things that are going on in your marriage, in life and the leads that come through what they I have is…I don’t think there’s anything out there and we’re just grateful, and so thankful to have been able to come across this.

Daniel: The other part part of that, too…

Male: So, we’re like…

Monique: Okay.

Daniel: Along with that is…

Joshua: Hi, good afternoon everybody. This is Joshua Barn. I’m here with Kim Jacobson.

Kim: Hi. And? Okay, all right. Well, I’ll start Josh. So, the reason I joined the club… I have been a member now for just over two years. And for me, I had a lot of great corporate jobs, but I was in a place in my life where I wanted change. I wanted to be a challenged which at times I’ve totally regretted that. And I wanted to be involved in something where there was no limit, like no corporate position limit, and no limit to how much money I could actually make.

So, I think in the back of my head I had always wanted to run my own business but it just came to that point where I really had to go for it. And so I was totally new to Southern California. Had moved down here for different reasons and was looking to get into this business, and thank God found New Wealth Advisors Club. And really what did it for me, I had checked out another organization that taught you how to do real estate, but this was a group of people that were doing it locally and just to know that I had access to people who could walk me through the properties, walk me through the process was huge for me, and has absolutely been instrumental in my business.

So, when I think of like who or what has impacted me the most in the club, I mean, really the list is too long I can…the conversations I’ve had with Peter V or Tim, Oscar, Dave and Melina, I mean, John and Celine. So many people and I think that’s the beauty of the club is there is so much wisdom to tap into. And people there that are willing to help you, who have been through what you’re going through that…it’s just, the support is fantastic.

And I think the other huge thing for me and what I’d really want people to know when they’re thinking about joining the club is, we’ve said it a lot today, you do learn so much about yourself, and even when you’re not thinking you’re going to. I mean, I got into it to learn real estate and to kick butt, and to make money, and make an impact around the world, but as you’re doing what they teach you to do, you start to look back at some point and be like, wow, I’ve really grown in this area in that area.

And that’s a really cool feeling. I mean, I knew I had drive and determination, but to see it play out in this business you kind of…I’ve surprised myself because we all say how easy it would be to quit or you reach those points where you want to, but when you really press in at that time, you learn so much about yourself. So, I could go on and on but…

Oscar: So, Josh, you and I, we’ve been friends since, I don’t know, 1989 something like that?

Josh: Yeah, ’89. Yeah.

Oscar: So, we’ve been friends forever. You’re the only person from my school that I still talk to. Like, why is it that you got…you saw me doing this business, why all of a sudden did you get involved a couple years ago?

Joshua: Because you wouldn’t stop bugging me. It kinda got annoying, “Hey, why don’t you come out meet everybody?” And just kind of where I was out in life. I wasn’t ready to be introduced new people. We live in a lifestyle of…I’ll just say enclose a rock star that was what we were doing prior to getting involved with real estate. So, that was just the life that I was living. I wanted to live a bit different style of life but I didn’t know what that looked like. And seeing the changes inside of you and in business, I was very intimidated because I had this idea of the business person being rich and I don’t know how to put into words.

I’ve been trying to think about these last few days but there’s a stereotype about rich people and I fed into that. So, I didn’t want to go meet those people with who I was because I was baggy jeans, tank top that kind of stuff, long hair, piercings. So, I wasn’t gonna fit in with that kind of people, so you asked me to come out an introduction I was like all right, fine I’ll file come out meet everybody and there’s a big difference than what I expected. People accept me for who I was. They didn’t care what I looked like, and it was that feeling that Melina mentioned it again just about every week, misfits.

I’m home. Here I am with a bunch of misfits, yes, my aesthetic look at the time needed to be changed because tattoos, piercings, long hair. That’s not the kind of thing that really works in this business, and I was okay adapting and changing. But the best part was I really found who I was. I lived behind this mask, this fake lifestyle of trying to be something that I wasn’t, and by being able to surround myself with people that accept me for who I was and who I wasn’t, most importantly, because I felt like I had to pretend to be this person or pretend to be that person. And it just felt really nice just to be able to be who I was, and be accepted for, like I said, who I was and who I wasn’t.

And here I am six years later, a lot of growth. I’m not the same person today that I was six years ago, got a lot of growth to be able to move into. But it’s been a great journey and, best part, been able to do it with you best friends for 28 years.

Kim: So yeah, I think Oscar you mentioned it but what is so cool and what we’ve been hearing today and we hear around the club all the time, is just how everybody’s journey is so different. And yet I feel like one common denominator I’m always telling students this is, it’s true if you work it, it works. And I think when you come into the club…again, we all have our own journey you can make it what you wanna make it. Some people come in and they’re working a full-time job, they’re parents, they have a lot going on, but if they decide to give 5 to 10 hours a week, whatever they determine to give, it’s just what you put in, you get out.

And then it’s really cool to see the effects of that, and the results from when you work it, but that’s something that’s always shocked me like they tell you to do something and you do it. Like, a homeowner calls you back you’re like, no way, that actually worked. But it’s so true and so really this business as hard as it is, it takes time and if you keep plugging along you’re gonna see results. And it’s really cool.

Joshua: Yeah, it has been a journey there’s been a lot of times I wanted to quit. It’s just like, here we go again one more obstacle, one more hurdle that I need overcome. How am I gonna overcome this? What do I need to do? And I’m very fortunate to be able to have enough people to come back and ask questions to. If I can’t get it from you I can go to Tim, if I can’t get from Tim, always got Dave and Melina. So, it’s much bigger, especially from the beginning something that I didn’t realize that now I have myself surrounded with people that can help me move forward in all of the areas.

I got into this to do real estate but, ultimately, I really got a life from this because I was able to take off that proverbial mask to become who I am, and something bigger than just myself. Being able to go up there help students, help homeowners, and it’s really not about the money. I just mentioned this to Tim I think probably two weeks ago. I woke up the other day and was like oh my god this is my life. I choose to do what I wanna do when I wanna do it. I got the priorities taken care of but it’s not like I have to punch a clock. I gotta go to bed early night so I can get up at 3:00 in the morning to be at work at 6:00. And working 6 days a week, 12, 14 hours a day, and now I’m able to overcome those obstacles and be around a bunch of great people.

Andrew: Hi, this is Andrew Fauree. I’m with Pino.

Pino: Hi, everyone.

Andrew: I was just going through why I joined the club remembering because it’s actually been just six years ago that I did it. And I was looking to change my life I had just come from South Africa. And at the end of the day, it was really I wanted a different mindset, a different change of life because the nine years that’s been so far it wasn’t working out. Till I met the club, I would say the most people that actually changed my life in the last two years would be Tim, Dave, Melina, and Kathy.

The club itself…if you’re gonna do real estate and you want to come to the club you’ve gotta realize that it’s not just the real estate. Like, it’s been mentioned a lot. It’s more the culture that you need to get into because with all the MMMs and all the training, there’s nothing out there.

Pino: Cool. Yeah, I would have to say that one of the most influential persons in my business, in my life absolutely is Dave and Melina Boswell. They’ve been able to give me an example and the support and encouragement that I don’t think I, personally, could have received from anywhere else. I look back at part of my journey, I look back at my growth and process. Even you, Tim, I remember you were one of the very first people that I connected at my RPP. And I’ll never forget one of the things you said there to me was, “If this is all about money, then something’s not gonna work.”

But one of the things that you’ve encouraged me with was one of the main reasons I’m here is the relationships and the growth. And then to know where you were at that point and to see where you have grown is a huge encouragement to me. And a huge milestone for me to look back and go, hey, those are some of the same processes that I watched him go through, I’m now kind of stepping in the some of those same things, and I always have someone I can go to and talk to when I need to.

Andrew: I would say, if you’re gonna do this, you gotta be consistent and show up, and that was one of the things that I found doesn’t matter at the time I was staying in Oceanside. And I didn’t even have a form of transport, but I knew this is what I wanted to do. So, if it was meaning getting up at 4:00 in the morning to catch a train to be at class at 9:00, that’s what I was gonna do, because that was why I’m doing it. That was, as Melina always talks what is your why, and then catching the train and a bus and so forth.

But at the end of the day the other thing that changed my life a lot is being actually part of the club, don’t just be a spectator. Actually take action be part of the events, show up basically. It’s Dave always say, You can always Google stuff, but the stuff you’re gonna Google is not gonna get it.”

Tim: I would have to say it’s been the consistency that I have seen others model. It’s been watching you guys come to the office day in and day out, and constantly go out and work your business, and constantly come back and spend the time to answer questions. And I guess just through that process I remember Melina long ago saying, “Hey ,if you wanna be a coach then you need to do what coaches do.”

And I saw that…first, seeing the impact and the effect that my particular coach had on my life, and my growth part of me allowed…I’m saying part of that allowed me to then begin stepping into, hey, these are some of the things that I was able to work out in my life through the coaching and guidance of, hey, doing the right thing all the time no matter what. And I started to see an opportunity in who I was growing into be, I started to see how my peers and my friends and my business partner started to uplift me and encourage me.

And sooner or later, just by hanging out there is almost kind of like osmosis where one day I just, aha, I could answer questions and could do things. And like doing this business really became real to me, and I mean looking at it even from that aspect where I’m at right this moment and my wife now putting in her two week notice to quit her job. And we just bought a house using some of the same strategies and stuff that we’ve learned through being an investor and got a really good deal.

And didn’t have to go through bidding wars and it was actually pretty crazy experience for us, but now my wife is, for the first time, really seeing not only is this real, but there’s an opportunity for her to either step into it, or more importantly find whatever it is that really truly gives her passion. Since she’s been at the same job for so many years and never had that opportunity.

Oscar: You know what, Tim? I just find it humbling to a certain extent with when I met Dave and Melina some seven, eight years ago, not having a clue of really what I was getting into. And now sitting here listening to all these folks that we’ve been around and hearing the stories, and just really absorbing it all and realizing the effect, and the impact that little idea that they’ve had, right?

Tim: On a napkin.

Oscar: That he drew up on a napkin that just the thought that, hey, we can take this, we learned from this guy, Greg, how we can do this, let’s do better. And now that we’ve done better how many other people can we teach and bring along? And the ripple effect, right? It’s like casting that little stone into that lake. The ripple effect is insane. I mean, you have to step back and appreciate things.

Tim: Yeah, I’m kind of taken aback by the people that we’ve had in the room, it’s really cool to me, that we have people from like you in the room we’ve been since the beginning to somebody like Adam who has been a club member for only a few months. And to hear the different perspectives about what the club is to all those different people, I think its really cool. And for me, like I’ve heard all those stories, right? I talk to everybody I’ve heard Peter’s story. I know what happened with Jason and Brie. I know their story and how they’ve evolved from the beginning, and Christian and Dany and all of that.

But to sit here today and get plugged into like all of that today in one sitting, it just reinvigorates to keep moving forward, right? Because it’s…again, I tend to get sometimes head down into my business, and sometimes I forget about the people that are really here supporting me, and that I’m helping to support as well. And rehearing those stories is just…I’m newly inspired again today by everybody who shared it, it’s just awesome.

Oscar: Yeah, it’s set me back a little bit hearing all the stories again, and I guess at the end of it all, it’s, man, I guess, wow, Dave and Melina, right?

Tim: Absolutely.

Oscar: The way you’ve touched the people that have crossed your path. The way you’ve affected them, impacted them, redirected them, and not a selfish moment in their lives over it all, right? They give and give and give and pour into people. And give an opportunity for us to have businesses and move forward. So, hats off to you guys, Dave and Melina. Love you guys, it’s been a fun journey up to this point. It’s a journey that from my perspective is really barely beginning. It’s just starting to take off. And some very, very cool thing is gonna happen and all the credit to them, and to our Lord and Savior man, because without Him, we wouldn’t be here, right?

Tim: Right. Amen. I wanted to kinda say one last thing, Melina always talks about…well, I’ll start with Dave. Dave always talks about he wants to leave a legacy. Melina, she talks about ripple effect. And one of the huge things that I’m taking out of this recording today is exactly that. I mean, the ability that Oscar and I can sit here and have this conversation in place of Dave and Melina because they’re on vacation right now, and we wanted to come together and do something for them, so that when they come back from vacation it’s like one thing off of their list.

But what I think, for me, what it has become as we’re recording, it’s just so much evidence of the ripple effect, because every single person that was in this room, every single person that was mentioned as having an impact on somebody else’s life inside of this room, they all started with Dave and Melina all of it. If it wasn’t for them, if it wasn’t for those two people and the vision that they had and what they put together, I wouldn’t be here. Oscar wouldn’t be here. You guys wouldn’t be here.

Oscar: Absolutely.

Tim: The rest of the people in this room wouldn’t have been here, it’s huge, it’s huge what Dave and Melina have done. So for me, that’s probably the biggest thing that I’m taking out of today, is just how impactful Dave and Melina really are.

Oscar: Yeah, agreed. So, we’re gonna call this a wrap. And, again, just thank you, David and Melina, for all you’ve done for all of us. And I know that the ripples will continue.

Tim: Right, I’m gonna do Melina’s thing this is Tim and Oscar for Dave and Melina, flippin’ off. We’re flippin’ out.

Oscar: Flippin’ something.